So Now What?

What happens when you fulfill a lifelong dream? Finally take one of the big items off your bucket list? Accomplish a goal you've had for so long, you literally thank your middle-school teachers when it's done?

If you're like me, well, life just kind of goes on. I met up with some (vaccinated) friends for board gaming at a pub last night. Had a few (non-alcoholic) drinks. I suppose I did treat myself to a steak dinner. But today has been very mundane. As I write this, I just got back from grocery shopping, and am playing a little "fetch" with Heinz in between sentences of this blog.

Don't misunderstand: I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunities I have here, and am very proud of my accomplishments. I'm exceedingly happy to have a published work out in the world now, and so many people/retailers being willing to take it is incredibly flattering. But success does not happen overnight, and in the meantime, life still needs to be lived.

I look forward to seeing where this journey takes me, but for now, I'm happy to have added to the world, and to keep doing that which brings me joy in the meantime.


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