It's Been.. One Week

Forgive me if I'm a bit repetitive. Getting stuck on a given word, then using it over and over is a bad habit of mine, one that I'm grateful my editing team helps me break. But my book has been out for a full week and, much like the immediate aftermath of its publication, it feels like very little has changed.

That said, I have been getting some nice feedback. Many friends and colleagues have personally told me they find the story interesting. Always gratifying to hear, and hopefully the general public takes the same view!

I've also reached out to some local stores to see about doing sa reading/signing/Q&A, which is very exciting even just as a prospect. Hopefully at least one option will come through, and I'll be sure to let you know if/when it does.

In the meantime, I have to feed my literature beast somehow. Yes, I've gotten really into writing my next work! Members of a local writer's group I'm in whom I've shown it to have said they want more, so I'm doing my best to give it to them. Obviously, I'm not going to say too much about the story yet. A, it's still early days, and B, I want you people intrigued if it ever goes to publication. But I will say this much: It involves kids living under a totalitarian regime, superpowers coming from scientific experiments, and scars. Lots and lots of scars.

No, it's not "Harry Potter". I'm no plagiarist.


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